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December 14, 2016Gums are a part of the mouth which are often ignored. So much so, that we ignore major symptoms like gingivitis, and lead our gums into recession, necessitating gum recession treatment. Depending upon the severity of recession, gum recession treatment can be quite intensive, and be a much more complicated procedure than you expect. If you are suffering from gum recession, it is import to access the stage of gum recession so that appropriate measures can be taken for its treatment.
Gums are the tissue which are surrounding the teeth and cover the bones which hold the teeth into place, along with the roots of the tooth. Healthy gums are a sign of proper oral hygiene and it is very important that you prevent the gums from any damage, as damage to them can lead to many other associated tooth problems and other serious health problems.
Causes of Gum Recession
Gum recession can be caused through many ways. It is important to understand each cause, so that you can come to the realization what the cause is for you, and hence determine the proper treatment for gum recession.
Poor Oral Hygiene
This is the number one cause for gum recession. If you do not follow proper oral hygiene, you will make your mouth an environment for bacterial growth, which will lead to various diseases of the gums. This leads us into the second cause of gum recession. Although not following proper oral hygiene measures is bad, being over-zealous can also be harmful. Some people tend to be very aggressive when brushing teeth or flossing, which leads to the damage to the gums, and hence recession of the gum line.
Diseases of the Gums
Having poor oral hygiene for prolonged periods of time will lead to the occurrence of various gum disease, which lead to the recession of the gums. Gingivitis is usually one the first symptoms, which is a warning sign of an upcoming more severe gum disease. If gingivitis is not cured in time, it will progress into a more severe condition, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis will manifest as damage to the gums, which will be swollen, red, bleeding, along with gum recession, and high chances of bone damage. It is a sad reality, that most patients visit a dentist for gum recession treatment at a stage when the damage is already done, when they could have otherwise gotten treatment earlier, and prevented the recession.
Tobacco Usage and Smoking
Tobacco usage, whether chewing or smoking, has been shown to have strong co-relation to gum recession. Smoking leads to direct damage to the vascularity of the gums, which acts as a aggressor to gum recession. Chewing tobacco is equally, if not more, dangerous. It leads to direct irritation of the gums, which over time, will lead to gum recession, and even more serious problems, such as oral cancer.
Tooth Positioning
If there is abnormal positioning, such that the teeth are not aligned in the proper way, there is high chance that there will be gum recession. This is due to the fact that crooked teeth will lead to abnormal forces on the gums, which may lead to the gum recession. It is important that you undergo orthodontic intervention so as to prevent tooth-positioning associated gum recession. That said, orthodontic measures can also lead to gingival recession themselves.
Orthodontic and Prosthetic Devices
Sometimes oral devices which are meant to actually correct a problem, instead end up leading to a different set of problems. Improperly applied orthodontic braces, and-ill fitting dentures can cause gum recession.
Direct trauma to the gums can lead to the gum recession. In such cases, gum recession treatment should be carried out as soon as possible to prevent possible complications.
As with most diseases and conditions, if you have a family history of gum recession, there is a much higher chance that you will also suffer from the same condition. Of course, genetics are not under our control, so the gum recession treatment options outlined ahead will be focused on factors which we can influence.
Gum Recession Treatment- What are your Options ?
If you already have gum recession, you should not worry, as there are many gum recession treatment options.
The gum recession treatment options will vary depending upon the cause of the recession in the first place. Generalized treatment options will be protocols which should be followed by all, and generally be manageable without any special intervention. Specialized treatment options will include case-specific options.
Generalized Gum Recession Treatment and Prevention Measures
Maintain proper oral hygiene– After reading the causes of gum recession, this point is obvious. By simply brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouth wash, you can not only check various oral conditions like caries and halitosis (bad breath), but also gum recession.
It is also important that if you do practice proper oral hygiene measures, you also do them the right way. You should not be over-aggressive when brushing your teeth, and always use a soft tooth brush.
If you are suffering from any gum related disease, do not take it lightly. Visit your dentist and nip the disease in the bud. As I have discussed before, conditions like gingivitis are symptoms of forthcoming dangerous conditions, and if you get it treated, you can prevent its complications. There are various simple procedures such as dental scaling and root planning, which can go a long way in preventing and treating present cases of gum recession.
Quitting smoking/chewing tobacco – Once you do this, you will see improvement in the condition of your gums over time.
If you have any ill-fitting orthodontic appliances or prosthetic devices, you should get them rectified by your dentist as soon as possible.
Physical damage to the gums due to any traumatic blow, should be dealt with as soon as possible, and not be delayed.
Specialized/Surgical Options for Gum Recession Treatment
Sometimes gum recession has progressed far beyond the scope of general measures, and will require surgery. If the problem is just beginning, it is imperative to see a dentist right away to discuss treatment options. If you require surgery, there are multiple options available. Surgery options and procedures should be discussed with your dentist.
As you can see, some simple measures can go a long way in preventing surgical intervention. The trio of proper brushing of teeth, flossing and using mouth wash may seem trivial, but these can not only prevent gum recession, but also provide an environment for the healing of the damaged gum tissue, and hence fix mild cases of gum recession. Even after gum recession treatment, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent reoccurrence.
Do you have any further comments or questions about gum recession treatment? Feel free to drop them in the comment section below and/or share this blog on social media to help spread the awareness.
Curated from: Dentist Says